Enigmarch is a fun little activity to get those wheels spinning on puzzle design. Each day they provide the community with a new theme for a puzzle. Search the hashtag #enigmarch for a ton of free puzzles!
As an exercise for puzzle creativity, I try to come up with these quickly – the complete opposite of our process of creating Society of Curiosities puzzles. These get one play test and then they are good to go – as opposed the rigorous testing with our Society of Curiosities games. Hope you have fun with this one!

Scroll down for hints/ solution:
You’ll first want to figure out what is inside every wrapped present.
Schrodinger won first as well as Prada. There are two first place items wrapped up. One is a shoe, the other is a box. Which might be Schrodinger?
There’s a term known as Schrodinger’s Box – the box is his present. Given the term, what might be inside it?
Wrapped presents:
Headphones, cat, jumprope, banana, football, golf club, heels or high heels, bicycle, tennis racket.
Next you need to find out what to do with the award ribbons.
There are multiple of a few so they probably don’t have to be organized in a specific order. What else might they be used for?
You can use the award ribbon place to find a letter for each word.
Go down the line of presents and find the letter for each. By counting letters in the present name and using the number letter that correlates to the award ribbon.
What extra gift will Schrodinger’s recipient get?
Hope you had fun!