Enigmarch is a fun little activity to get those wheels spinning on puzzle design. Each day they provide the community with a new theme for a puzzle. Search the hashtag #enigmarch for a ton of free puzzles and brainteasers!
I like to make these really quickly – the opposite of what we do for Society of Curiosities games. Since I live on an island, I had a lot of ideas and inspiration for this one. Hope you enjoy what I came up with.

Scroll for hints and solution:
All of the tourists have distinctive tan lines.
What was each one doing?
The activity locations on the island might help you determine each tourists adventure.
Solutions for all of the activities below:
The activities in order are: hula lesson, snorkeling, jet-skiing, and beginning swimming lessons
Do you notice what all the activity companies have in common with their names?
All companies have names with the same beginning letter. How might this help you solve the puzzle?
Take the letter of the activity company and pair it with the person with the matching tan.
What do all of these tourists need?
- Coconut bra tan (All Aloha hula class)
- Snorkel Mask tan ( Look Low Snorkeling)
- Life Vest tan ( OllieOverboard jet-ski rentals)
- Swimming floats tan ( Easy Ed beginning swim lessons)
And…if you didn’t know all of these tans, you need to take more tropical vacations! (except the coconut bra – that’s just weird – they never fit!) Hope you had fun!