It’s Enigmarch again! If you’re not familiar with Enigmarch, it’s a monthlong challenge of daily puzzle prompts. Puzzle designers get to play and make puzzles and puzzle lovers are flooded with a huge variety of free puzzles to solve. One of the main goals is to not worry about perfection, but just to get in… Read more →
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It’s Enigmarch again! If you’re not familiar with Enigmarch, it’s a monthlong challenge of daily puzzle prompts. Puzzle designers get to play and make puzzles and puzzle lovers are flooded with a huge variety of free puzzles to solve. One of the main goals is to make, not to worry about perfection, but just to… Read more →
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I’m currently working on a tabletop escape game that is based in a summer camp in the 1950s. Players solve puzzles to get into campers’ boxes, where they find notes and other fun items, and a mystery about Bigfoot slowly unfolds. Because the game is set in the fifties and the characters are teens, almost… Read more →
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The clock ticks down. You are on an escape room adventure with your friends and as you search for clues, you stumble upon a door. You open it and… You’re faced with a wall covered in a cipher—lines and lines of codes. This will take at least 10 minutes! Now: who among your friends gets… Read more →
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Enigmarch is a fun little activity to get those wheels spinning on puzzle design. Each day they provide the community with a new theme for a puzzle. Search the hashtag #enigmarch for a ton of free puzzles and brainteasers! I like to make these really quickly – the opposite of what we do for Society… Read more →
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Enigmarch is a fun little activity to get those wheels spinning on puzzle design. Each day they provide the community with a new theme for a puzzle. Search the hashtag #enigmarch for a ton of free puzzles! As an exercise for puzzle creativity, I try to come up with these quickly – the complete opposite… Read more →
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Enigmarch is a fun little activity to get those wheels spinning on puzzle design. Each day they provide the community with a new theme for a puzzle. Search the hashtag #enigmarch for a ton of free puzzles! Today’s theme was lock. I’ve been trying to do a puzzle as quickly as possible so this doesn’t… Read more →
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Enigmarch is a fun little activity to get those wheels spinning on puzzle design. Each day they provide the community with a new theme for a puzzle. Search the hashtag #enigmarch for a ton of free puzzles! Today’s theme was shadow. The idea came almost right away and I spent a few minutes putting this… Read more →
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Enigmarch is a fun little activity to get those wheels spinning on puzzle design. Each day they provide the community with a new theme for a puzzle. Search the hashtag #enigmarch for a ton of free puzzles! Today’s theme was Rhyme. I went through a ton of ideas and settled on a fun little rhyming… Read more →
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We are fortunate to be in an industry with amazing creators that we respect and like. There is something for every type of puzzler here – from longer narrative puzzles, to games for families, to dense, puzzle-heavy games. Just like us at The Society of Curiosities, our creator friends care about cultivating their craft and… Read more →
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